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Sustainability of Blockchain and AI technologies Within The 4IR

This research examines the sustainability of blockchain and AI technologies within the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), focusing specifically on South Africa. It investigates how these transformative technologies affect environmental, social, and economic sustainability across industries. Key areas of exploration include energy efficiency, ethical design, and scalability, providing a comprehensive understanding of how to ensure their long-term viability in diverse applications.

The study develops performance indicators to evaluate the sustainability of blockchain and AI technologies. These metrics aim to guide improvements in implementation while addressing significant challenges, such as high energy consumption and ethical concerns related to data privacy and bias. By offering a structured approach to assess sustainability, the research contributes practical tools for industries and policymakers.

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South Africa serves as a compelling case study due to its unique industrial diversity, developing economy, and initiatives to integrate 4IR technologies into national development strategies. The research highlights how these technologies can drive progress while emphasizing the importance of sustainable practices tailored to local contexts. This dual focus ensures relevance for both industrialized and developing economies.

By critically analyzing the benefits and potential drawbacks of blockchain and AI, this work bridges gaps in the literature. It provides actionable insights to optimize these technologies for global sustainability while fostering ethical and efficient development practices.

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