Discover CCPFEWS

About Us

The Center for Cyber-Physical Food, Energy and Water system (CCPFEWS) is an entity of the University of Johannesburg within the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering science, subject to the governance rules of the faculty. The center comprises a unique team of experienced, industrial and academic experts in food, energy, water, and cyber-physical spaces, providing research and intellectual outputs. We also have Post – Doctoral scholars, Ph.D. students, Master's Students, and Diploma Students researching the three vital resources.

What We Do

We Are A Solution Oriented Center

We are a 4IR inclined research center with continuous applications of 4IR technologies in Food, Energy, and Water Space. We develop real world solutions to problems and challenges in the world arround us.

Food, Energy, and Water Resources

Developing intelligent systems and technological solutions will lead to the sustainable management of food, energy, and water resources.

Policy Framework and Guidelines

Provision of template, policy guides, frameworks, and technologies, for optimal production and waste reduction of three resources and their nexus.

4IR Optimization

Optimize and apply the technologies of the fourth industrial revolution (4IR) technologies in achieving Food, Energy and Water sustainability via research in Water 4.0, Energy 4.0, and Agric – Food 4.0.


Ongoing Research


Completed Projects





Design Portfolio

Recent Ongoing Projects

We are always working on new projects; here are a fews of them currently in the pipeline.

All Arduino Raspberry PI Blockchain
3D Printer
3D Printer (On-going)


Laser Trip Wire Alarm
Laser Trip Wire Alarm (On-going)


Digital Farm
Digital Farm (Ongoing)


Document Verification with Blockchain (Ongoing)
Document Verification with Blockchain (Ongoing)


Drone (Ongoing)


GPS Tracker (Ongoing)
GPS Tracker (Ongoing)

Raspberry PI

Solar Tracker
Solar Tracker


Supply Chain Management with IOTA and Hyperledger (Ongoing)
Supply Chain Management with IOTA and Hyperledger (Ongoing)


Smart Trolley with Automated Billing (Ongoing)
Smart Trolley with Automated Billing (Ongoing)


Energy Meter with Bill Estimation (Ongoing)
Energy Meter with Bill Estimation (Ongoing)


Long Distance Remote Drone (Ongoing)

Raspberry PI

Underwater Remote Drone (Ongoing)

Raspberry PI

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Frequently Asked Questions


Learn more about Center for Cyber-Physical Food, Energy and Water system (CCPFEWS).

The Center for Cyber-Physical Food, Energy and Water system (CCPFEWS) is an entity of the University of Johannesburg within the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering science, subject to the governance rules of the faculty.

The center comprises a unique team of experienced, industrial and academic experts in food, energy, water, and cyber-physical spaces, providing research and intellectual outputs. We also have Post – Doctoral scholars, Ph.D. students, Master's Students, and Diploma Students researching the three vital resources.

To become a renowned global research center and the first port of call for intelligent solutions in the Food, Energy, and Water Space.

In achieving the vision statement, the research center's missions are;

  • Developing intelligent systems and technological solutions will lead to the sustainable management of food, energy, and water resources.
  • Provision of template, policy guides, frameworks, and technologies, for optimal production and waste reduction of three resources and their nexus.
  • Leverage developmental concepts such as cleaner production, cleaner technology, value chain management, and circular economy in the sustainable management of Food, Energy, and Water Resources.
  • Optimize and apply the technologies of the fourth industrial revolution (4IR) technologies in achieving Food, Energy and Water sustainability via research in Water 4.0, Energy 4.0, and Agric – Food 4.0.

  • Liaise and collaborate with relevant government agencies, international organizations, businesses, Multinational companies, and non – profit organizations to manage FEW resources.
  • Providing relevant training and Short Learning programs on applying 4IR technologies in the food, energy, and water space.
  • Publication of relevant research outputs via the center's Journal of Digital Food, Energy & Water Systems (JD – FEWS).
  • Conduct standardized research in the Food, Energy-Water space.

The objectives of the research center include;

  • The design of intelligent mechanisms and algorithms to improve the efficiency, functionality, connectivity, robustness and adaptability of Food, Energy, and Water Systems.
  • Undertake multi-disciplinary Food, Energy, and Water systems research;
  • Publish research findings through multiple formats, but significantly articles in accredited journals and academic books;
  • Actively create Intellectual Property (IP) from research activities via the Technology Transfer Office (TTO)

  • Support the supervision of postgraduate (M & D) students and postdoctoral fellows who will be engaged in various research agendas as will be conceptualized by the center;.
  • Organize and support seminars, webinars, workshops, and conferences;
  • Provide briefings and commentary for the media where necessary on Food, Energy, and Water
  • Engage with the civil society as deemed necessary in Food, Energy, and Water matters;

Our Scholars and Students focuses on the following areas of research;

  • Food, Energy and Water systems
  • Food, Energy, and Water Nexuses
  • Energy system optimization
  • Desalination
  • 4IR technologies
  • Water security
  • Water quality

  • Water treatment
  • Energy Poverty
  • Prosumers
  • Demand response
  • Green Economy
  • Environmental sustainability
  • Emission Reduction
  • Precision Farming
  • Aquaponics and Hydroponics
  • Intelligent systems in FEW area
  • Researches towards the fulfillment of the center's vision and mission.

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Auckland Park Kingsway Campus University of Johannesburg


+27 (11) 559 2389

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